Arranda Saputra

I am IT practitioner in real life with specialization in network and server infrastructure. I have years of experience in design, analysis, operation, and optimization of infrastructure solutions for enterprise-scaled network. You can send me a message on LinkedIn or email to for further inquiry regarding stuffs that I wrote or opportunity to collaborate in a project.


Configure MPLS IP on Cisco IOS Router

MPLS or Multi-Protocol Label Switching is a mechanism of fast-forwarding a packet by attaching a special bit sequence to the packet called “the label“. It’s a bit complex to understand how MPLS works, but in summary it gives a router the ability to quickly forward packets without looking at the routing table. Therefore, MPLS is […]


Understanding how MPLS Works in Cisco IOS Router

Multi-Protocol Label Switching, or shortly called MPLS, is a packet forwarding technique that uses “label” to determine the path to reach its destination. MPLS is a standard and supported by most of the networking vendors including Cisco. If you are new to MPLS implementation in Cisco IOS router, first you have to be familiar with […]


How to Find if I Have 32-bit or 64-bit Office Version

We all know Microsoft Office available in the flavor of 32-bit and 64-bit. The difference between them is the data processing capability where 64-bit is superior compared to 32-bit. It is important to know which Office version that we have to make sure it fits the work requirement that we need to do or compatibility […]


Redistribute OSPF Route into BGP in Cisco IOS Router

Usually it is not a best practice to perform redistribution especially in BGP. But some specific network deployment scenario requires us to redistribute an IGP routes like OSPF or EIGRP into BGP instead of advertising the subnet using network command in BGP. This article explains the command to Redistribute OSPF Route into BGP in Cisco […]


Redistribute BGP Route into OSPF in Cisco IOS Router

When we run BGP together with any IGP routing, sometimes it is required to redistribute BGP routes into that IGP. This usually required where BGP peers are separated by certain number of hops that aren’t participating in BGP — so they don’t know the route to the destination network that is advertised by BGP. In […]


Configure iBGP in Cisco IOS Router

When two or more BGP routers resides within the same AS, the relationship between them is called iBGP or internal BGP. iBGP is required to be configured to enable a non-adjacent BGP speakers able to exchange route information internally within an AS. The main difference between iBGP and eBGP is that iBGP doesn’t need the […]