
Grant Send on Behalf Permission in Outlook 2010/2013/2016

Send on Behalf permission allows a sender (say. UserA) to send email on behalf of different user (say UserB), the recipient sees the email coming from UserA on behalf of UserB. You can assign Send on Behalf permission to other users in your organization using Microsoft Outlook email application. This article shows steps to grant Send on […]


Understanding the Role of Active Manager in Exchange 2010

After understanding DAG in Exchange 2010, it is also important to understand the role of Active Manager in Exchange 2010. Active Manager is a new component in in Exchange Server 2010. It replaces the failover management and resource model features in cluster service used in Exchange 2007. Windows failover cluster is still used by Exchange […]


Understanding Database Availability Group(DAG) in Exchange 2010

Mailbox databases and the data they contain are most critical components of an. Exchange organization. In Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, you can protect mailbox databases and the information they contain by designing your mailbox databases for high availability. Exchange 2010 lessens the cost and complexity of deploying exceptionally available and service resilient messaging platform.  This […]


Grant Send on Behalf Permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox

There are two ways to grant the ability to send email as different sender. One is Send As and another is Send on Behalf. In Exchange 2010, Send As permission allows a sender (say UserA) to send. email as different user (say UserB), in this case the recipient sees the email is coming from UserB. Whereas, Send on Behalf permission allows a […]


Reclaim White Space in Exchange 2010 Mailbox Database

A white space is created in a mailbox database when you create a mailbox database. This white space will be promptly reused by Exchange Server for any new content or mailboxes. However, in some situations you may have to reclaim the disk space by removing the white space. This may be due to running out […]


Understanding White Space in Exchange Mailbox Database

Exchange Information Store does a very good job of managing mailbox database and white space in any given mailbox database. The size of mailbox database grows automatically but it won’t decrease automatically when you delete mailbox or it’s contents. However, you can manually reclaim the white space in Exchange Mailbox Database. In this article we […]


Configure Database Replication in Exchange 2010

In the previous article we saw how to configure Database Availability Groups in Exchange 2010. We will now configure database replication in Exchange 2010. Database replication is basically replicating the Mailbox Database from one member in the DAG to another member. You can also call Database replication as adding database copies. In this post we will […]