
Move Database and Log Folder Path in Exchange 2013

At some point, you might want to transfer your Mailbox database and/or Log folder to new location. In Exchange 2013 you can use Move-DatabasePath PowerShell cmdlet in Exchange Management Shell to move the database. As of now, you can’t move database using EAC. In this post, I will show steps to move database and log folder […]


Configure Database Replication in Exchange 2013

In the last article, we saw how to configure DAG after installing Exchange 2013. The next step now, is to configure database replication. In database replication, the database of one Mailbox server is replicated to other Mailbox server within the DAG. This process is also called adding the database copy. In this post, I will show steps to […]


Pre Stage DAG Cluster Name Object (CNO) in Exchange 2013

If you are configuring Exchange 2013 Mailbox DAG, you must pre stage DAG Cluster Name Object (CNO) in Active Directory. CNO is an active directory computer object that simply provides an identity to DAG and cluster. In this post, I will show steps to create CNO in Active Directory. Pre Stage DAG Cluster Name Object […]


Configure DAG Witness Server in Exchange 2013

Database Availability Group (DAG), a high availability feature for Mailbox servers in Exchange 2013 requires a witness server to maintain a Quorum. Quorum is used by Windows Failover Clustering feature which uses voter count to sustain/function the cluster. In Exchange 2013, DAG can use two different modes of Quorum, Node and File Share Majority (used when DAG is […]


Configure DAG in Exchange 2013

In Exchange 2013, Mailbox server high availability is provided by a feature called Database Availability Group (DAG). DAG uses failover clustering feature of Windows Server. The feature, Windows Failover Cluster will be automatically installed in each nodes when you setup DAG members, so no need to install it manually early. The underlying Windows OS where […]


Install Exchange Server 2013 SP1 in Windows Server 2012 R2

Microsoft released Exchange Server 2013 SP1 on Feb 25, 2014. With the release of Edge Transport server role, Exchange 2013 is finally a complete product. Exchange 2013 now has total of three roles, Mailbox server role, Client Access server role and Edge Transport server role. Exchange 2013 SP 1 also introduced many new features. In […]