
Add CNAME Record in Windows DNS Server

CNAME or Canonical Name record is one of the types of DNS records. It is used to create an alias name for an existing Host A record or another CNAME record. Alias name usually required to hide the original hostname, or if the host itself runs multiple services then one alias name can be assigned […]


Understanding Different Types of Record in DNS Server

DNS record contains two important fields, “Name” and “Data”. Both fields are being used for lookup and this record format applies to all DNS records in all zones. However, despite of using the same format, there are actually several types of DNS records based on their purpose. To help you Understanding Different Types of Record […]


Add MX Record in Windows DNS Server

MX record is a special type of DNS record that serves for the sole purpose of email communication. MX itself stands for Mail Exchanger and is a prerequisite when configuring email server. In other words, if your organization hosts an email server, then your DNS server should have MX record pointing to that email server. […]


Install DNS Server Role in Windows Server 2012 R2

DNS or Domain Name System is the basic requirement of any kind of network. DNS works in client-server mode, where DNS client may call a computer or domain name string, and DNS server will help the client to perform name-to-IP address mapping so further TCP/IP actions can be performed by the client. Without DNS server, […]


Configure Internet Site Zone using Group Policy Preferences

Microsoft Internet Explorer has a built-in security feature that classify sites into four separated zones, namely Internet, Local Intranet, Trusted Sites, and Restricted Sites. Each of these zones has different way of handling site contents. For example, downloading content from sites in Internet zone will prompt a message to the user before it is able […]