There are two ways to grant the ability to send email as different sender. One is Send As and another is Send on Behalf. In Exchange 2010, Send As permission allows a sender (say UserA) to send email as different user (say UserB), in this case the recipient sees the email is coming from UserB. Whereas, Send on Behalf permission allows a sender (say UserA) to send email on behalf of different user (say UserB), in this case the recipient sees the email coming from UserA on behalf of UserB. In both scenario, you apply the Send As or Send on Behalf permission on mailbox of UserB. This article shows how you can grant Send As permission in exchange 2010 mailbox.
Grant Send As Permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox
There are three ways you can grant Send As permission to a user, they are Exchange Management Console, Exchange Management Shell, and through Active Directory Users and Computers snap-in. In the scenario I will be granting Send As permission to Test02 on mailbox Test01. This will allow Test02 to send emails as Test01.
Assigning Send As Permission through Exchange Management Console
For assigning Send As Permission through Exchange Management Console. Expand Recipient Configuration → Click on Mailbox → select Test01 → Click on “Manage Send As Permission” from the action pane as shown below.
In the Manage Send As Permission wizard. Click on the +Add button → Search for the user or select it from the list → Click OK → and then click on Manage as shown below.
Once you click on manage, you will see a completion notice as shown below.
Assigning Send As permission through Exchange Management Shell
For assigning Send As permission through Exchange Management Shell, type the following command in Exchange management shell.
Get-Mailbox Test01 | Add-ADPermission -User Test02 -ExtendedRights "Send As"
Here I am using Get-Mailbox and then it is being piped into the command Add-AdPermission. This is because the “Identity” parameter in Add-Adpermission will only take Full Distinguished name. You can get the Distinguished Name of the user by using Get-AdUser from PowerShell. Type the following command to set Send As permission.
Add-ADPermission -Identity "CN=Test User,CN=Users,DC=mustbegeek,DC=local" -User Test02 -ExtendedRights "Send As"
You will see the output as below.
Assign Send As permission through Active Directory Snap-in
To assign Send As permission through Active Directory Snap-in. Open Active Directory Users and Computers → View → click Advanced Features, as shown below.
Now, Right click on the user Test01 → click Properties → browse to Security tab → Below the list of Group or user names click on Add as shown below.
In the select users dialog, search for test02, select and click OK.
This will bring you back to Test user Properties screen. Select Test02 and browse through the permission for Test02 →. Enable check box for SendAs under Allow as shown below and click OK.
You can now send email from Test02 as Test01. In this way you can grant Send As permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox.
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