Grant Send on Behalf Permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox

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There are two ways to grant the ability to send email as different sender. One is Send As and another is Send on Behalf. In Exchange 2010, Send As permission allows a sender (say UserA) to send. email as different user (say UserB), in this case the recipient sees the email is coming from UserB. Whereas, Send on Behalf permission allows a sender (say UserA) to send email on behalf of different user (say UserB), in this case the recipient sees the email coming from. UserA on behalf of UserB. In both scenario, you apply the Send As or Send on Behalf permission on mailbox of UserB. This article shows how you can grant Send on behalf  permission in exchange 2010 mailbox.  You can also refer this article to learn how to Grant Send As Permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox.

Grant Send on Behalf Permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox

There are three ways you can grant Send on Behalf permission to a user, they are usingExchange Management ConsoleExchange Management Shell, and through Outlook Delegates feature. In this scenario I will be granting Send Behalf of permission to for mailbox This will allow to send emails on behalf of

Assigning Send on Behalf Permission through Exchange Management Console

For assigning Send on Behalf Permission through Exchange Management Console. Expand Recipient Configuration â†’ Click on Mailbox â†’  select the userAllan Jones  → Click on Properties from the action pane as shown below.

Grant Send on Behalf Permission in Exchange 2010 Mailbox


In the Properties windows navigate to Mail Flow Settings. Click and select Delivery Options â†’ Click on Properties button as shown below.

Allan Jone Properties1

In the Delivery Options under the Send on Behalf section click on +Add. Button and select the user to whom you want to grant Send On Behalf and click OK.

Dilivery Options

Assigning Send on Behalf permission through Exchange Management Shell

For assigning Send on Behalf permission through Exchange Management Shell, type the following command in Exchange management shell.

Set-Mailbox -Identity AJones -GrantSendOnBehalfTo BRaw

The above command will not show any output however, you can verify if the “send on behalf” permission granted on the mailbox by typing the following command.

Get-Mailbox -Identity AJones | FL *Behalf*

You will see the output as below.

PS Send on Behalf

Now the permission is granted to the user, to test this logon to Outlook as BRaw. Click on New-Email, here you have to manually select the from address to be able to send on behalf of Ajones.  As you can see in the below image there is no “From” shown for you to be able to select AJones. By default, the From field is hidden in Outlook.

New Message

To enable that that, click on Options tab from the ribbon, and then click on From button as shown below.  This will show the From field.


Now Click on the From button â†’ type in the email address that you are trying to send on behalf of  â†’  and then click OK as shown below.

Send From Other Email Address_

Once you selected the from address, you can now send email to any other mail account to test that you have permission to send on behalf of.  I will be sending an email to, sending on behalf of from

Send Test Mail

I have received this email in my inbox, as per the below screenshot you can see that the from address shows from which user it has been sent and “on behalf of whom”.

Test Received

You can also set or delegate access to your mailbox as a user using Outlook Delegate feature. In this way, you can grant send on behalf permission in Exchange 2010 mailbox.

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Bipin is a freelance Network and System Engineer with expertise on Cisco, Juniper, Microsoft, VMware, and other technologies. You can hire him on UpWork. Bipin enjoys writing articles and tutorials related to Network technologies. Some of his certifications are, MCSE:Messaging, JNCIP-SEC, JNCIS-ENT, and others.

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