Have you ever been frustrated because google search is not showing you the results you wanted? There are lot of ways that you can use google.com for getting the required results. Today I will give you some smart google search tricks and tips. This will make your life easier and save your time.
Smart Google Search Tricks
1. Search exact keywords
You can search exact keywords by using double quotation marks(“”). You can also get the same result by typing ‘+’ sign after each word. This method is also called concatenation in programming. For example “Buddha was born in Nepal“
2. Search information from specific site
If you know the result you want is in specific web site, then this is helpful. Type the “keyword:site_name”. For example, Juniper:www.mustbegeek.com.
3. Using asterisk(*) sign
To find every possible results of particular keyword then (*) is used. For example,
4. Using minus(-) sign
Minus sign is used to exclude keyword. For example if you search for Barcelona in google, the results will display footbal and club information. In this case you wanted google to show Barcelona place information. Then you need to use minus to exclude football. For example Chelsea -football.
5. Using OR Operator
You can search both keyword in single results by OR keyword. This result will show contents containing both keywords.
6. Number Range
You can search results by range. For example smartphone range 200$…700$.
7. Search for specific file type
You may want to search for presentation or pdf files. To get those result quickly you must use filetype keyword in search box. For example, vpn protocols filetype:pdf. You can also search other file types like doc, jpg, mp3 etc..
8. Time
To search for current time of particular place or country simply type “time in place_name” excluding double quote mark.For example find our current time of country Nepal.
9. Fill in the blank
If you want to know some short information quickly then asterisk (*) can be very helpful. For example you want to know the birth place of Gautam Buddha then,
10. Public Data
You can search public data of place or country by simply typing “unemployment rate place_name” or “population place_name”.
11. Define Keyword
You can use “define” keyword to find defination of particular keyword. For example define:fruits
For more information you can visit www.google.com
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