
Cutover Migration from Exchange 2016 to Office 365 (Part 2)

There are different migration methods for moving your on-premise mailboxes to Office 365. Cutover migration is one of the easiest method available. Other migration methods are, Staged, Hybrid and IMAP. In the previous article, I talked about pre-requisites of Cutover migration. Here I will show steps to perform cutover migration from Exchange 2016 to Office 365 […]


Cutover Migration from Exchange 2016 to Office 365 (Part 1)

Cutover migration is the most easiest and straight forward migration type of Office 365. Other migration options are, Hybrid, Staged and IMAP. If your organization have less than 2000 mailboxes, you want Office 365 to manage mailbxes, then you can use Cutover migration to move mailboxes from on-premise Exchange server to Office 365. In this post, […]