
Reclaim White Space in Exchange 2010 Mailbox Database

A white space is created in a mailbox database when you create a mailbox database. This white space will be promptly reused by Exchange Server for any new content or mailboxes. However, in some situations you may have to reclaim the disk space by removing the white space. This may be due to running out […]


Understanding White Space in Exchange Mailbox Database

Exchange Information Store does a very good job of managing mailbox database and white space in any given mailbox database. The size of mailbox database grows automatically but it won’t decrease automatically when you delete mailbox or it’s contents. However, you can manually reclaim the white space in Exchange Mailbox Database. In this article we […]


Create Mailbox Database in Exchange 2010

A mailbox Database is the core component of Microsoft Exchange Architecture. Each Mailbox Server installed in the organization has an information store. The information store operates as a service and manages the Server’s databases. Each mailbox database has a database file associated with it. This file is basically an .EDB file which is stored in […]


Delete Default Mailbox Database in Exchange 2010

After installing Mailbox Server Role in Exchange 2010, a default mailbox database is created in the Exchange server. Most of the time, Exchange administrators will prefer removing these default mailbox databases. To delete default mailbox database in Exchange 2010, first you have to make sure that the default database do not contain any of Arbitration, […]