
Redistribute BGP Route into OSPF in Cisco IOS Router

When we run BGP together with any IGP routing, sometimes it is required to redistribute BGP routes into that IGP. This usually required where BGP peers are separated by certain number of hops that aren’t participating in BGP — so they don’t know the route to the destination network that is advertised by BGP. In […]


Configure VRF in Cisco IOS Router

Virtual Routing and Forwarding or VRF is a technology that supports multiple routing instance inside a single router (or layer-3 switch). This means a single router can have multiple separated routing table and each one is completely independent. Due to its independency, it also allows the usage of overlapping IP address. Cisco IOS router supports VRF by […]


Configure eBGP in Cisco IOS Router

BGP stands for Border Gateway Protocol and is a routing protocol that builds this gigantic inter-network connection that is known to us all as the internet. There are two types of BGP, namely internal BGP (iBGP) and external BGP (eBGP). The protocols and attributes used in either iBGP or eBGP are standardized for all vendors, […]


Configure Policy Based Routing on Cisco Router

Policy Based Routing or PBR is a feature for network administrator to manipulate packet routing and forwarding to follow a defined policy set. In short, if packets arrived on a router matches a characteristic defined in the policy, then it will be given custom actions and ignoring the routing and forwarding logic. Such actions to […]


Configure Inter VLAN Routing in Cisco Router

Communication between different VLANs require router or some form of routing. Routing between the VLANs can be done using layer 3 switch or use more popular form of inter-vlan routing called router on a stick. Layer 3 switches are pretty expensive which is the main reason why router on a stick configuration is popular. In […]