
Upgrade and Backup JunOS Image of Juniper SRX Device

There are various ways you can upgrade and backup JunOS Image of Juniper SRX device. You can use either web console or command line. When performing an upgrade there is always some chances of failure. So, to be able to recover from catastrophic failures, always create a backup before upgrading the JunOS operating system. Upgrade and Backup […]


Static Site to Site VPN in Juniper SRX and SSG

Static site to site VPN is different from dynamic site to site VPN. The basic requirement for static site-to-site VPN is static public IP address in both ends. VPN between two different platform can be difficult. Here, I will show static site to site VPN in Juniper SRX and SSG. Static Site to Site VPN […]


JunOS SRX High Availability Concepts

After getting some information about SRX HA basics let’s get into JunOS SRX High Availability Concepts. This will get you some clear picture about JunOS SRX High Availability Concepts. There are different parts in JunOS High Availibility. JunOS SRX High Availability Concepts Cluster ID To configure the devices into HA, they must be first made […]


SRX HA Modes

Juniper SRX series device supports HA mode for redundancy. When it comes to serious networking, failure is not an option. So to get the devices working you can configure pair of SRX devices in High Availability mode. Before getting to know about differences of HA modes you should first have little knowledge of JunOS HA […]